Saturday, April 23, 2005

Jungle Woman

Hi, I'm the Jungle Woman having her first taste of blogging. First of all I wanna record my gratitude to Hwa (a computer genius) who kindly and patiently guided me and eventually saw me to this successful posting!

Purpose of setting up this Blog or whatever u call it is to post all the happenings within our families so that u nuts from the States and Spore (also, my chums from Kuching and Germany and later on the Larssons when they are kicked back to Sweden) will not be ketinggalan zaman (for those illiterate in BM, it means left behind or blurr, so to speak.

Ok, this is it for my first posting. I still have to check out the whole thingy!

1 comment:

Selina Wing said...

Wow..i don't know u got ur own blogs..I started do my own blogs before my final exam came... I very busy with my final exam and assignments before my hoilday..:P During my hoilday, I also busy to help my mum worked and cleaned my house..That's why I just start to write my blogs on yestarday..hehe. Enjoy write and learn more about ur own blogs^ ^